PR and Media guides for small charities and groups

Need to work smarter with the media and get some PR going for your activities?

Well don't fear, here are two fantastic, and what is best of all, free PDFs to help you along the way.

I have missed posting to this blog, but I've been busy exploring new material, and even have a video to post here for another tutorial that will help my fab charity chums. Enjoy the preview of the PR & Media PDFs thanks to the lovely people at Issuu.

Abbey National's free guide to PR for small charities and Groups

Here's a link to the file, if you want it (will open as PDF in browser):

Voluntary Action Media Unit's Guide to working with the Media: Smart Comms

Here's a link to the file, if you want it (will open as PDF in browser):

Let me know what you think of these, and leave us a comment or some stars ;o)
Happy Easter!

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